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I wish I could personally show you around my virtual abode, but until that rather creepy technology exists, you're left to anonymously meander on your own. 


A general orientation may be helpful though, as I wrestled with the best way to organize content from my somewhat eclectic career. Everything on this site has been edited by me, with the exception of the India.Arie music video. If you're curious what I have directed or produced, you can choose the category you want from the drop-down menu on each video channel. And of course you can always ask me for specific samples that you're interested in. 


I can't wait to add more great projects to this ever-evolving gallery of work. Maybe yours? Let's discuss.





If you want help building a boat...don't ask people to collect wood...make them long for the sea."

Creative mission statement, paraphrased from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

High-spirited, technically savvy renaissance woman with zen sensibilities.


A high-spirited and ambitious renaissance woman with zen sensibilities.



I wish I could personally show you around my virtual abode, but until that rather creepy technology exists, you're left to anonymously meander on your own. 


A general orientation may be helpful though, as I wrestled with the best way to organize content from my somewhat eclectic career. Everything on this site has been edited by me, with the exception of the India.Arie music video. If you're curious what I have directed or produced, you can choose the category you want from the drop-down menu on each video channel. And of course you can always ask me for specific samples that you're interested in. 


I can't wait to add more great projects to this ever-evolving gallery of work. Maybe yours? Let's discuss!





I tried to distill what I have done, and what it is I do, as people sometimes aren't sure what to make of my eclectic journey. :)


My life has been unconventional, to say the least, and characterized by a constant yearning to seek that which is authentic, innovative, bold and meaningful. Besides a lifelong passion and commitment to the arts – theater, dance, music, multi-media and experimental performances, creative writing and, of course, film – I am deeply committed to spiritual unfoldment, holistic healing, social justice, honoring our biosphere and the upliftment of global society as a whole."




It's an eclectic one, to say the least. People often aren't clear on what I am capable of, because my career trajectory hasn't followed any typical path. Is she technical enough to be an editor, creative enough to be a director, and vice-versa? If I hire her to be an editor, will she step on the director's toes? Will she have to edit everything she directs? Can she really be good at both, while also producing content for clients, teaching post-production workshops, mentoring young filmmakers, and writing/developing pilots and screenplays in her free time? Well, I'm hoping the proof is in the work I have created and collaborated on since moving to LA in 2006.   

Some of which you will find on this site. Bon appétit!



Or the online reflection of it, anyway. My life has been an eclectic adventure, and I've done my best to distill what I do and what I have done. I often find people confused as to what it is that I do exactly, or what I do well, hoping for  


You can count on me to 

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